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This is hilarious. Another senator complained around a week ago about FFXVI's exclusivity as if it's such a huge factor for Xbox in Japan.

The fact of the matter is Xbox gets the vast majority of relevant games, but they don't make any real difference because the brand is irrelevant in Japan (Sony didn't block Monster Hunter Rise Xbox marketing or Game Pass inclusion. Did it make a difference? No). If Sony is involved in blocking Micorsoft deals by offering better deals/policies to keep 3rd parties neutral or their games multiplatform, then power to them. Paying to ensure certain games stay multiplatform and blocking big acquisitions should be encouraged by the community, but alas, we live in different times and weirdos are cheering for MS to gobble up the entire world and for Sony to not be able to respond, mainly because their hardware dominates, never mind the actual reasons behind the hardware dominance, or the fact that hardware is just part of the equation. MS's software for instance will be on a different level from Sony once they get ABK (ABK makes similar profits to the entire Playstation business, but this isn't what MS want you to know. The same company that actively downplayed hardware sales is now hyperfocused on them).

It looks to me that Microsoft is pissed that Sony has an acquisition advantage in Japan and is likely to resort to it. Sony is not going to sit around and just watch Microsoft buy everything.

Here's what Sony has to do: Buy a couple Japanese publishers and offer a 3 year contract to support Xbox, and extend it to 10 years when Microsoft takes them to the court lol.