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CloudxTifa said:
chakkra said:

I think you guys are reading this the wrong way. I don't think Microsoft is actually interested in the Japanese market per se. I think it is quite obvious for everybody (including Microsoft) that they don't have a chance over there, BUT they do need japanese games for the western audience who likes those games.

Now, it should also be obvious that japanese developers don't have much incentive to put their games on Xbox, so Microsoft is left with only three choices:

1) Pay japanese developers to put their games on Gamepass (which they have been doing).
2) Buy some japanese studios and/or one publisher (which I think they're planning to do).
3) Built some studios from the ground up (I know this is Sony's fans favorite, but please, let's be real, even Sony haven't don't that in ages, I mean they even shut down one studio they had over there).

I don't think japanese government will allow that.

And that is exactly the reason this thread exists..