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Spade said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Capcom is one of the best publishers/developers out there imo. I love Atlus but if I had to pick a Japanese publisher for MS to acquire it'd definitely be Capcom over anyone else. RE, MH, SF, DMC, would all be big boons to have under the xbox ecosystem. Of course I don't believe MS will make a bid for Capcom or any decently sized Japanese pub. I think Sony could be a more likely suiter for Capcom at this point than MS.

Although sales of Japanese games are heavily scewed towards PS anyway so idk if there's much point in Sony purchasing any Japanese pub in the first place. Sony making a play for the struggling Ubisoft or another smaller/medium sized western pub makes more sense to me than them buying Square Enix or Capcom.

Yeah I aint readin all that, god forbid Sony can't have anything. Idk why you xbots won't let them have one thing. If anything Capcom should beg Sony to buy them and offer them up for free. 

And Capcom games don't sell on Xbox pimp. I was told by multiple people on many servers from very reliable sources that Phoenix Wright sold like 1000 copies on Xbox, that fact alone should disqualify a capcom purchase. 

Also Sony the type of company to take games off of a platform where they outsell the competition 95/5 on sales, so business logic kinda goes out the window tbh. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.