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Having a blast with Diablo 4. - I know it's a Beta, but some really janky crap going on, you enter an area and if all assets haven't loaded you sort of hit an invisible wall, then the game jerks you back to the start of the area.

Visuals are great. Sound design is top notch. Blizzard has done well.

hinch said:
Pemalite said:

Source 2 is now 8 years old... Seeing the Counter Strike 2 reveal "showcasing" the engine was visually underwhelming in my opinion.

Valve needs to iterate it's engine technology far more rapidly and far more significantly, it's a generation behind Unreal.

Tbf most people into CS aren't going to have the best rigs anyway. I'd wager people care more for gameplay potential with a good visual update and would prioritize performance over visual flair.

It looks good imo. For someone who plays CS a bit the update is decent. PBR materials, remodelled maps, dynamic smoke and enhanced lighting makes a huge difference. While its not in the same league as other engines. It doesn't need to. Source Engine games runs on nearly every PC. Its a bit like Blizzard and World of Warcraft and WoW Engine. If it ain't broke.. don't fix it.

To be fair, we are at the point where even CryEngine, idTech, Frostbite and Unreal pretty much scales across all hardware... From phones to high-end PC's.

I mean it is Counter Strike, so no one expects advanced visuals, but that doesn't mean they can't add extra visuals on top. - Any serious competitive Counter Strike player will drop settings to absolute lowest anyway, but for more casual players? More isn't a bad thing.

My issue isn't actually with Counter Strike specifically though, I personally have no care for that game, it's the engine itself, I want Valve to push that engine harder.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--