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A new report from MLex (just recapping the new PF) includes official statements from MS and ABK.

I guess that these have already been posted, but just in case:

- A Microsoft spokesperson said: "We appreciate the CMA's rigorous and thorough evaluation of the evidence and welcome its updated provisional findings. This deal will provide more players with more choice in how they play Call of Duty and their favorite games. We look forward to working with the CMA to resolve any outstanding concerns."

An Activision Blizzard spokesperson said: "The CMA's updated provisional findings show an improved understanding of the console gaming market and demonstrate a commitment to supporting players and competition. Sony's campaign to protect its dominance by blocking our merger can't overcome the facts, and Microsoft has already presented effective and enforceable remedies to address each of the CMA's remaining concerns. We know this deal will benefit competition, innovation, and consumers in the UK”.

Sony declined to comment, according to MLex.

- Final report still coming by April 26.

Lots of things are going to happen in the next 5 weeks: new responses to the addendum PF, amended remedies will be offered (very likely dropping the ones about the console market), the remedies working paper is probably delayed until early April now and the final report is still coming by April 26th (in theory it could happen sooner but now the CMA has the same time but extra work, unlikely then).

Fun weeks ahead! :)

PS: I’ll try to answer notifications later in the day
