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When I first played League of Legends it was just a way to play and associate with my friends digitally. The game was free to play and a potato could run it so there was not many obstacles for anyone who wanted to join in. My view of the game was not great. I thought it was boring, felt broken and it was not a genre of games i generally enjoy. But it was free and I had a good time joking with my friends about how awful it was.

After some years with less and less hang outs with my friends. I revisited the game by myself and found that I really enjoyed it and even more so some of the spin offs mainly Teamfight Tactics that now is one of my favorite games ever. The standard map is still in my opinion a bore fest to play, but the more casual just for fun game modes like All random All mid still gave me a great time.

Now I think a lot of things are great with LoL. The music is fantastic, the Lore is fun, the costumes varied and the alternative game modes are a blast.