A 10-year term is longer than the previous licensing remedy put in place in Reckitt Benckiser/K-Y brand (2015), which was for a period of eight years and in line with the 10-year terms imposed in Korean Air / Asiana Airlines (2023) and Bauer Media Group. This period is also in line with access commitments accepted by the European Commission in Meta/Kustomer (2022), London Stock Exchange Group/Refinitiv Business (2021), Google/Fitbit (2020) and Telia Company/Bonnier Broadcasting (2019). While Microsoft is prepared to continue to discuss this constructively with the CMA, there is no basis for extending the remedy beyond the period proposed by Microsoft.
This really puts things into perspective and makes CMA look a little ridiculous, GAMING is being treated more seriously than a Health/Hygiene/Nutrition Company, a Multimedia Conglomerate and a frigging Airline, Lmao. They imposed 10 years on the Airline but are asking if 10 years is strong enough for a frigging Gaming company, Lol.
But "Microsoft is prepared to continue to discuss this constructively with the CMA" makes me think they would be open to extending it.
Lots of great responses from Microsoft all round which makes this really hard for CMA to block, I'm increasing in optimism.