gtotheunit91 said: Unfortunately that's what happens when you don't keep up with the competition on first-party output. Not to mention major issues with your, at the time, biggest IP. |
I can't imagine a drop that radical, if it is the case, is from that alone though. But I wonder what could have happened over the past 4 years or so if MS had focused on restructuring their studios instead of acquiring new ones. There's no denying that the quality and speed for their developers is subpar and most of them need some kind of overhaul. Other than the consistent quality and output of Forza content it's been bad. Their studios are bloated and have been poorly managed.
343 should never have been allowed to balloon to over 750 employees, then they had the help of 5/6 support studios and Halo Infinite still didn't come out in a timely manner or in a complete state when a game like that should have been achievable with a much smaller studio. Halo Infinite really isn't that ambitious of a title, it's not a sprawling 100 hour open world game.
Microsoft's studios are really not living up to their potential and I'm sure the blame lies fairly high up on the chain.