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Driving the news: A YouGov survey commissioned by Microsoft in January found that just 3% of all PlayStation users would switch to buying an Xbox if Microsoft pulled Call of Duty from PlayStation, according to a copy of the study shared by Microsoft with Axios.

The CMA’s own survey, conducted by DJS Research in December, estimates that 15% of avid Call of Duty PlayStation players (playing at least 10 hours or spending at least $100 on the series in the past year) would switch to Xbox.

Microsoft's survey found that 10.5% of CoD gamers who ranked the franchise as one of their two favorites would have switched consoles.


This is starting to feel like Microsoft is readying to take this to CAT.

The CMA's Survey says that 15% of Avid Call of Duty PlayStation Players would switch to Xbox if it were made exclusive. Microsoft's YouGov Survey says that 10.5% of Avid Call of Duty PlayStation Players would switch to Xbox if made exclusive. According to the CMA, 9% also say they would buy a PC instead of a PlayStation or Xbox which would make a 24% loss of CoD userbase on PlayStation...NOT install base...

24% would be the absolute peak loss of install base if every single PlayStation user in UK played CoD and were big fans of it.

Instead, Microsoft's YouGov Survey estimates the actual number for total loss of PlayStation install base to Xbox would amount to just 3%. I don't know how CMA came to the conclusion of a substantial lessening of competition even at a 24% loss of AVID Call of Duty players because the actual total PlayStation install base loss would be a lot less than 24%...I'd buy YouGov's 3% total loss of installbase being way closer to the actual number.

Anyway, feels like Microsoft is trying to say that CMA's surveys are wrong and that will formulate the basis of their complaint to CAT.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 March 2023