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Little bit extra because I'm passionate about this

Forge is Fun.

Dumping Forge means dumping a large aspect of Halo's fun side and significantly hurts everything linked to it, Custom Games was/is hugely popular and Forge is a major contributing factor in that. Fan favourite modes like Griffball are possible because of Forge. Custom Games popularity is inherently linked to Forge.

Dumping Forge means Multiplayer will largely move towards a focus on Competitive rather than a blend. You'll alienate a large portion of Halo's fanbase. Some of us don't want to play sweaty Multiplayer 24/7.

So kiss goodbye to Custom Games being popular, to Forge filling in content gaps, to players creating unique maps/modes which are later taken on by 343, to a large aspect of Halo's fun factor, etc.

Back in my Reach days, I would spend hours everyday downloading Halo Reach Forge maps and my friends and I would then play through them all for hours on end, every single day, months on end; Things like Duck Hunt, Obstacle Courses, Races, Jenga, Avalanche, etc.

It's just pure joy.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 March 2023