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"Witcher-like" was thrown around a lot for Fable.

I've got worries about this statement.

Sure, I absolutely loved The Witcher 3, it was one of my favourite titles of all time, but Fable is Fable and Witcher is Witcher and they are absolutely nothing alike.

What could they even make "Witcher-Like" about Fable? Hopefully not copying Witcher's combat because Witcher's combat is bad, Lol.

Maybe the Art-Style? Think I'd be okay with that.

Hopefully not the tone, Witcher is funny at times but it's still mostly a serious WRPG...Fable's tone is completely different and I like that because it makes it unique, there isn't a RPG like Fable out there and it would be a shame if it just became a Witcher clone.

I think I'd still enjoy it because I loved Witcher but I'd also be disappointed if Fable lost its identity/uniqueness to become closer to other WRPGs and I'd just be thinking "why didn't you just make a new IP" Lol.

Then again as I write this up, I'm thinking back to the trailer which was very Fable like in humour/tone and visuals so maybe this is just a case of people throwing around a descriptor because they can't come up with anything else other than the last biggest WRPG which released, Lol.

Or maybe like those "Starfield is just No Mans Sky" comparisons

Eh, I might as well just ignore it, it's a fairly useless description without knowing what aspect of the game they're talking about.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 March 2023