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the-pi-guy said:

Era thread

Avowed and HBII nearest after Starfield.

Fable recently went into full production.

Perfect Dark and Everwild "not close".

Sorry if this information was posted already. But I think it's new.

Andy "Starfield Showcase Announcement is Imminent" Robinson Still Salty.

This is basically exactly what I've been assuming so the rest is useless to me without knowing "how near" and what they consider to be "not close"

Hellblade II > Avowed > Fable > Perfect Dark > Everwild was my recent order assumption.

The combo of Eidos (who are huge) and Playground (who are quite large) should put Fable out before Perfect Dark which is The Initiative (tiny) and Crystal Dynamics (large, but according to recent reports, knee deep in Tomb Raider production so whoever is on Perfect Dark is likely Crystal Dynamics smaller B-Team).

And Everwild, I'd expect once the Creative Director left and Gregg Mayles took over, it was essentially rebooted from the ground up and it's now entirely Gregg's vision which should be good but will take a long time.

I'd adjust my Fable expectation to early 2025 though if it recently entered full production.

Forgot what Todd Howard said when he gave an estimation of how long Bethesda's pre-production vs full production tends to be but I think for Bethesda he said their full production is usually 2 years but I may be misremembering.

Worth noting though that a few users are saying they don't even sound confident in the Podcast so...Could just be best guesses.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 March 2023