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EpicRandy said:
CGI-Quality said:

I’ll believe they’re doing more when the results suggest it. Why do they need more studios right now? Where are the products from the studios they bought? I get that games take time, first hand, but everyone else is bound by that same principle and are killing it in 1st party content. Microsoft is not new to the game. As a buyer of their products, I’d like to see them do better. 2023 promises that, so they’re moving in the right direction.

Well that's depends on if you think this deals succeed or fail. But MS already stated they want 4AAA per annum and with 23 studio you might think it's possible but some are not AAA capable and other are for GaaS. So they'll have a hard time reaching this goal and resort to use heavily contractual development through Xbox Publishing studios like they are doing now which is more costly then in house dev. Now that was the goal a few years ago but it might just be 6+ AAA/year now and as a GP user I'd support such goal. 

At one point though they'll reach a limit with GamePass. The point were having more studios and pumping more AAA/year will change almost nothing since almost anybody will already have enough reason to be subscribed and so new acquisition and expansion would reach massive diminishing returns but we're far from this point. Netflix seems to have somewhat reach a plateau at 220m user but for Service like GamePass it's anybody guess 100M, 150m, 200m??.

I may also answer your questions with another : If MS believe GamePass can be the next juggernaut in gaming wouldn't they be foul not to act decisively and swiftly?

Deals both succeed and fail. That's not really the big issue, in my eyes, for them. The deals aren't the problem.