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Machiavellian said:
CGI-Quality said:

For starters, it most likely won't get blocked. 

Second, I didn't say what they will do (you nor I can say that with any % of absolute certainty). I said what they should do. 

Finally, even if this deal fails [it won't], they would most likely spend that money on other acquisitions. The writing is on the wall, literally. I'm telling you that wanting said acquisitions to continue cheers for industry consolidation. If that's what you want, go with it, but Microsoft won't be doing these in a vacuum. 

Lets be honest here, whether we want consolidation or not its coming.  Its already hear, you have Tencent buying just about every Dev they can.  You have big publishers on the block for selling.  You have massive corporations looking to enter the market.  Its not a matter of if, its already here, so the question is how will it shape tomorrow.  Who ideal stragey lines up best for the future.  I remember a time people talked about buying physical over digital because they want to own their games but look at the PC market now.  I highly doubt anyone on the PC buys a physical copy and the Console market will soon follow.

So today, every company has some sort of service, people say they do not want a service they want to purchase their game but as time continue to move, more and more are subbing to services.

The key is it really does not matter if MS purchase a publisher or a bunch of studios because the market is dictating content and the service with the best content wins.  All the big players are moving towards this goal, whether like MS all in or on a slower approach like Sony.

So when you say supporting this deal you are supporting consolidation of the industry, I say that that ship has already passed.  Instead you are supporting which service best meets your needs.  I have both PS + and GP, currently I see GP as a much better service all around so I support this deal.  Also I support this deal because I really do not like it when Sony gets to much of a market lead.  When Sony gets to much of a market lead, they do not push for features, price or anything for the consumer.  I want them to always feel threaten so they continue to strive to be the best instead of protecting what they got.

Oh, they will absolutely continue. I pointed that out. The issue is trying to make one corporate entity out to be better than another. No one is your friend in this business. Trying to "stick it" to one of them simply means your emotions are more invested than they should be and corporate cheerleading makes absolutely no sense when none of them are doing anything any different if the roles were reversed in favor of/against the other.

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 28 February 2023