I was waiting for these new 3D CPUs because I was curious to see if the scaling would be similar to the one we got with the 5800X3D or it would be a bit lower than that given that Zen4 has more cache than Zen3, but it seems like the improvement is about the same. AMD has done a great job with it, but we'll see if they've also done it with the 7900X3D.
As some reviews said, AMD didn't provided this CPU for review, which is quite odd. We'll have to wait and see why AMD decided to "hide" it.
And well, that Techpowerup article with the simulated 7800X3D just proves that it will be a winner in gaming while using a lot less power than the rest of CPUs. It's no wonder they're launching that last, to get some sales from the other two.
I forgot to add that the performance difference you can get between the old chipset drivers and the new ones, optimized for the 3D chips, can be quite big:
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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