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The Fury said:
Darc Requiem said:

Anyone with basic knowledge of gaming knows that Sony's stance is nonsense and frankly hypocritical. Sony buying exclusives from the out set of their entry in the gaming console industry. They had no issues with exclusives, sales, and acquisitions in the past. They've been actively paying developers to keep content off their competition from Tomb Raider 2 on the Saturn (the games developed but shelved) to Final Fantasy VII Remake not being on Xbox consoles now. This situation has revealed that Sony has been paying developers not put games on Gamepass. Sony has been in leader in the console industry for most of the last 30 years. For them to go in front regulators and pretend that they some frail company that will be crushed by this acquisition is ludicrous. Especially when they are actively engaged in anti-competitive tactics themselves. 

Many here have an issues with Sony and them buying exclusives but both MS and Sony have done this in the past. It's part of the industry, whether we like it or not. All these deals. from console exclusivity, timed exclusivity, console exclusive content or even adding to your service day 1, exist to try and get people into your service/infrastructure. I think money is better spent on new studios or expanding them, their own employees and their own IPs (like no one would even think twice about Sony, Nintendo or MS just commissioned games from 3rd party developers of IPs they owned).

The difference here is scale. A few million here and there is nothing and mostly just a deal/contract between 2 companies compared to MS buying out entire rival publisher.

Yes it always been an odd argument as if MS is somehow forced into this because of Sony's marketing methods,and they can find spend 65 billion but couldn't spend money on there own cod marketing deals .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot