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mZuzek said:

On another note, it's really ridiculous how people see 7's as bad scores in game journalism. Like if you go on Metacritic, sure, Sterling's score of 7.5 still counts as "positive", but as much as one decimal lower and it'd be yellow. Any game you play and say "eh it was fine" is an 8/10. Whereas for any other type of media, the same feeling would probably be a 6/10. All Sterling is doing is giving 7's for games they enjoyed. But since everyone else inflates scores so much, we end up with an infinity of games in the 80-95 range, and within that you have games of vastly different quality.

This is why "Generally favorable reviews" (green score) on MetaCritic is 60+ for movies, music and TV while it's 75+ for games.

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