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Basically binged on Assassin's Creed Odyssey starting in late January and knocked out the main campaign in a few weeks. And these days I rarely binge on single-player games. It was that good. Combat is fun, assassinations are satisfying, love the open world and the return of the ship combat from 4. Gorgeous game too. I'm realizing the open-world action stuff, with a dash RPG elements are my thing.

Some weird quirks and blemishes like the absurd amount of equipment you have to shuffle through, and the hilarious amount of aggro you can draw. At least on hard mode, I've had occasions where the whole freaking town was after my ass, like 30 villagers swinging at me, 40 guards, and 3 Mercenaries. While they can be fun to kill, Ubisoft overdoes it quite a bit with the mercenaries. But overall super addictive and my favorite AC game thus far (though I have only played 2, 4, and Valhalla). Easily surpasses Valhalla in most respects. Gonna go back and play Origins, AC3, and Rogue.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden