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Ryuu96 said:

Think ABK is said as being a good buy even if the deal fails, at least, I saw more than a few investor companies say that and with Diablo round the corner and $3bn from Microsoft, I'm not sure how to read their market value but I wouldn't necessarily assume it's doing well because Wall Street are positive about the report more than they're just positive about Activision-Blizzard.

As an investor I can tell you that ABK is NOT at all a good buy at 70+$ USD unless you believe the transaction will be approved. 
I personnaly buy it (and the market too) only because I believe the transaction will go through. If not, the stock will fall hard and will probably go around 50/55$ but not more. And there is no way it is going back to 70+ before a long time (which basically means that investors will lose a lot of money ;)).

The 3BN, while being good, is going to help for 4/5$ maybe on the stock price; not more. 

In short, only reason to buy Activision Stock right now (above 50$ I would say), is if you believe it will be approved. If not, you are basically throwing money in the trash bin :)

Last edited by Imaginedvl - on 14 February 2023