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We already know that Tango's next title will be a smaller title than Hi-Fi Rush, in a new genre for them, from a new director.

Honestly I've my doubts that Tango will ever combine into one large team, I don't know if we'll ever see Project Noah or if Mikami's desire to nurture new talent outweighs his own personal desires, as he seems heavily focused on that lately. I think Tango will always hover around 100-200 employees.

I doubt at least in the near future we see anything larger than the scale of The Evil Within IP. Fine by me though, I anticipate Tango being a smaller scaled Obsidian, Mikami seems dead set on the goal of nurturing new talented developers and that's a very admirable goal.

This is what Mikami said only last year

"Shinji Mikami wants Tango Gameworks to make smaller and non-horror games"

"But we also want to be viewed as a studio that can create a wider variety of games."

"Mikami said he doesn’t want Tango to be focused only on big-budget, AAA titles going forwards. He wants to see the studio making smaller games too, partly because he feels it’s easier to train newcomers in smaller teams."

“First of all, we should produce a masterpiece every ten years. Secondly, we want young people to create new games on their own. We also want to nurture good game creators."

"To be honest, it is quite difficult to train newcomers in a large team. I think the most effective way is to run several game development teams of several dozen people"

“It is possible to gain experience in a small team and then get involved in a big project. This way, we can make even better games and projects can proceed more smoothly.”

This is what he said in 2010.

In an interview with Famitsu shortly after joining Bethesda, Mikami said that his first game for Tango would be the last he would direct himself, in part to create opportunities for others.


Dude has such a good mindset.

Would love to see him heading up Xbox Japan one day as I've said 200 times but another avenue they could take is how Rare, The Coalition, 343 Industries, etc. All the XGS studios technically have their own publishing team and any IPs they own come under those respective studios and not Xbox Game Studios Publishing.

Give Tango the resources to set up their own publishing department, Xbox + Bethesda money and Mikami's guidance, allow Mikami to partner Tango up with indie studios across Japan.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 February 2023