Mummelmann said:
Bolded; this is an understated problem in today's tech media. It only serves to strengthen the notion that PC gaming is for "rich" people who are willing (and able) to pay 4-5 times more for their gaming platform than console gamers. There is a lack of reviews and reporting on middle or lower-tier hardware. I remember back in the 90's; anything from kitchen appliances, to cars, TVs, and housing, had a consumer first angle, it was informational and helpful for a wide potential audience. Heck, even Top Gear had its own consumer advice segments back in the day. Channels on youtube racking up millions of views on reviews of absurdly costly hardware, will see only a fraction of those viewers actually going out to buy the product(s) in question. It's almost more like watching Formula 1, or WRC, wanting to see the cutting-edge, but also knowing you'll spend a lifetime driving around in your Yaris. It's like the entire industry, and its proponents, just up and decided that the actual consumer no longer matters. Yes, some bigger tech influencers direct critcism towards the giants of the industry, but their focus remains the same. |
Well, the concept of new and old is hard to for some teenagers . Fashion has part of the blame for that, launching new collections every season and calling the prior ones old and outdated, and the smartphone business also played a key role in this mindset.
Companies that sell PC parts also want to highlight their best products and new features, which is why they send their top of the line products for reviews, more like how Intel, AMD and Nvidia launch their high end parts first, with mainstream and budget end parts coming at a later date.
Well, I'll keep looking at TechPowerUp for some mobo reviews, and Techspot for some roundups, that are also very helpful. If anyone knows other sites that reviews motherboards, please let me know.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.