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gtotheunit91 said:
Barozi said:

Not a fan of the series but I downloaded it nonetheless for the lulz. Visually one of the roughest games I've played in years. Poor shadow quality, low poly models and terrible texture quality. I know the game was developed for Switch but at the same time it was also developed for PC and most likely with PS and Xbox in mind. They really went the lazy route and made a game for the lowest common denominator instead of building it for PC and then lowering the settings for Switch.

Anyway I deleted it after only a few minutes since I didn't want to unlock the first achievement and therefore having it on my profile.

Ngl, that's pretty surprising to hear. Despite being developed with the Switch in mind first, I would've thought it would still translate well to current gen consoles since it was developed with RE Engine, which has proven to be a very capable engine producing some insanely polished visuals. 

Since Capcom has now gone with PC being their "main platform" going forward, which they announced months after MH: Rise released on Switch, this will probably be the last time this is an issue. 

Honestly I thought it looked fine, but I also gave up on it. Just like world I can't get into it. The mandatory limitations put on the player from a gameplay perspective annoys me also it's gameplay is so slow.