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Slownenberg said:

huh??? Switch games don't look good? That's news to me lol. Switch games look great.

And it's the same graphics as the original but updated to be better. The art direction is the same. It's not like they changed the look of the game, they just cleaned up the graphics a bit. Such a confusing comment.

Switch games don't look good.
Graphically they are behind the curve... Massively.

The Gamecube game already had fairly strong and relatively "simple" Art with decent lighting and shading, so rendering at a higher resolution just cleans the image up and makes it look more refined... Adding extra flourishes like additional geometry and improved texturing just makes it pop that much more.

It's definitely the definitive version of the game.

mZuzek said:
Slownenberg said:

huh??? Switch games don't look good? That's news to me lol. Switch games look great.

Honestly, I envy you. I used to think Switch graphics were fine up until 2019 or so, but after that it's just been grating. Doesn't help that most games run poorly on top of having subpar graphics. At least this Prime remaster looks to be running as smoothly as the original did, so that's great. I recognize that the graphics are much better on a technical level. When the trailer started I was impressed, but the more I looked at it, the more uncanny it felt. There's just a certain "fakeness" to it that wasn't there in the original, and I think it's there in most Switch games.

6th gen games were in that "transition" period of trying to adopt 7th/8th gen-like shader effects, but focused more on geometry... While pushing fixed function lighting. - And typically employed things like Stencil shadows.

7th Gen is when games started to adopt Motion capture as well, so animations from the 6th gen look stupidly janky. - You can see that in effect with Samus's ships thrusters, how they were just linear actions.

The Switch also relies heavily on lower-precision (I.E. Rapid packed math/FP16) rendering in general to increase performance and reduce power consumption.

Soundwave said:

I can't say I agree. 

The Switch version looks significantly better. I mean I get graphics can be subjective but if someone actually prefers the GCN/Wii version for looks, I think they're borderline blind. Start at 6:44 into the video to see very clearly the two versions side by side, if anyone is choosing the Wii version ... man  that's a heckuva take. 

The lighting in the Switch version is way, way better, the Wii/GCN game is so flat by comparison. 

No one is arguing that the Gamecube version technically looks better than the Switch.

curl-6 said:

I feel like Nintendo themselves have done the game a disservice by naming it "remastered", its definitely closer to a full on remake, with practically every asset and the entire rendering pipeline rebuilt to Switch spec.

Definitely one of the best looking games on Switch. 

I tend to attribute remakes with an entire engine swap.

But there is a significant increase in texture detail and new geometric complexity in many scenes.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--