shikamaru317 said: So apparently Xbox is requesting Sony documents dating back 11 years relating to timed/full 3rd party exclusivity agreements and timed exclusive content in 3rd marketing deal game agreements it seems. If Sony is actually forced by the judge to release those, will definitely be a bad look for Sony, across 11 years I'm sure there are over 30 timed/full 3rd party exclusive deals, I can think of quite alot off the top of my head from just the last few years:
Go back even further and you can find quite alot more timed and full 3rd party PS exclusives. Then you've got the timed or full exclusive content or timed exclusive beta deals on 3rd party marketing deal games, which are even more numerous. Some of those I can think of off the top of my head include:
If the judge forces Sony to release these, regulators will finally see exactly what tactics Sony uses to keep themselves at the top. |
To be fair Ms does the same with a ton of indies but also bigger titles like High on life/Stalker 2. Sony is better in advertisement for some titles and making them big by doing so. Genshin impact is also a good example of MS fucking it up. They didn't wanted Genshin Impact and choose Naraka over it....Well we see now which one is bigger =p.