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zero129 said:

Have you read the OP?. He gave people the right to bring other companys into the question. Your taking a bad take from ConservagameR who is using qa case thats around 20 years old to try make his point and failing badly at even doing that but yet he or you it seems dont want to hear about stuff more recent from other companys. If your going to pass judgement on one you might as well pass it on them all your fav company should not be excluded..

And to try say since Halo Inf and CP2077 that wasnt even in a sub service turned out means all games will be half baked is very silly on your behalf and a bad argument to make unless you have prove to show your right something you dont have as many games launch on PS/XB/Nin and Pc platforms thqats not in a sub service and needs patches after the fact to fix them. But where your argument falls very short here is plenty of users of XB gamepass can point out all the games thats on the service that doesnt have the problems you are trying to paint. Really you shouldnt be following bad takes.

The OP is saying the same, pre-empting exactly what people are doing in this thread "Obviously, the usual counter points since the acquisition has been announced are still being used to justify this have been the same. SONY money hatted timed exclusive, SONY paid third parties to prevent games from making it to the xbox platforms. SONY is doing this and that..... yeah, and I see your point on how this is wrong and shouldn't continue to happen, however, the question becomes;"

how is the solution to objectionable practices is an even bigger objectionable practice?

The OP is asking to discuss the acquisition, not to deviate by blaming other companies.

The parallels between CP2077 and Halo Infinite are not about the sub service. It's about relying on GoG / Gamepass for reputation / cash flow instead of making sure to pump out quality, bug free, complete games on day 1. FH5 didn't launch in a great state either, plenty online problems, I never saw any traffic on the road between races, broken AI. I went back to finish FH4 instead.

And yes most games on gamepass don't have problems since the majority are older already actually finished games, next to 3rd party games that still rely on their reputation by pumping out quality at release. However the whole day one on gamepass has become an excuse for shoddy releases. It's alright, it's 'free' on gamepass. It's early access! At least MS is doing the right thing now with Forza 8, delay until it is finished. (Which Sony should have done with GT7, just saying since that always come up as soon as you mention Forza)