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Griffin said:
greenmedic88 said:

Looks fantastic, but until I see a running build or demo, I don't think it's going to look that smooth; there's no edge stepping visible at all which would be expected for a 720p native render source. Everything in the video is using in-game resources, but it just looks like the video is a capture of a higher res playback. Either that, or the game is using heavy AA yet to be seen on a PS3 title.


What kind of AA would you need for edge stepping to not be visible during normal gameplay.  Some games use 4xAA, which seems to be the max on consoles.  Or would there be other effects that would reduce visible edge stepping.

A 1920x1080 native render running at just 2xAA generally on a native 1920x1080p widescreen display looks smooth enough to reduce edge stepping to the point where it's barely noticeable at regular viewing distances.

4xAA for a 1280x720 native render at 30fps or greater is good for all intents and purposes. It would be nice if this were the standard for all future PS3 games since most HD displays in circulation are 720p anyway.

Journalists playing a beta build doesn't mean any video posted on PSN reflects how the final build will look, or even how the beta build looks, just as releasing a 1080p video of a game yet to be released does not mean the game will be rendered at 1920x1080.

But if KZ2 looks that smooth (arguably the best seen yet on the PS3 for a game of this complexity) and plays as smooth as CoD4, that's good enough for me seeing as how it won't run period on even a $4000 PC build or any other platform.