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I think Infinite's Multiplayer will be supported throughout 2023, I think Battle Royale will launch in early 2024. Then I think if Battle Royale takes off then Infinite's Multiplayer may come to end of life support in mid-late 2024 as Battle Royale can take over in providing 343 with healthy financial support. However Battle Royale could have a positive knock on effect on Multiplayer in which case, maybe it stays alive for longer.

I think during this time they'll get sorted in the Multiplayer side and then adjust course and essentially regrow their Campaign team from scratch slowly and carefully, or they will outsource the Campaign but since Jason rebutted those rumours, the former seems more likely now. They don't need a Campaign team at this current moment because they're focused on trying to turn things around via Multiplayer + Battle Royale.

I think as long as Pierre stays onboard (who again, is very proven in turning things around, managing teams in efficient ways) then things will be a lot more focused and smoother sailing than the messy development of Infinite...And 5...And 4. But as a result of all of this, I wouldn't expect a mainline Halo story to enter production now until 2025ish and maybe a release of around 2028ish.

Hopefully they have spinoffs in the meantime.

Other questions remain like if they'll upgrade the engine again or if they'll abandon the open world.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 January 2023