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shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

You are reading it wrong, Jason (and Jez) are saying there was never any expansion planned in the first place. Jez specifically says that there was never any Campaign DLC in active development.

That's even worse, how the hell can you have 10 years on Infinite GaaS support that is multiplayer only? How did they think that was a good idea to leave people hanging for 10 years after setting up the Endless? Not to mention to leave fans of the side characters in Halo hanging even longer since those characters weren't in Infinite at all, meaning we haven't seen them since Halo 5 in 2015 or Halo Wars 2 in 2017 or even longer in the case of Alpha-Nine members other than Buck, who have only been in books since Halo 3: ODST. We haven't even heard all that much of anything about Halo side games being in development, we got a non-descript rumor of something called Halo: The Endless, and that was it, they even shot down the possibility of a Halo Wars 3 releasing. 

343's management of the Halo IP is really starting to tick me off honestly. This poor singleplayer support is bad enough, then you have the many issues that Infinite's multiplayer still has, such as overpriced cosmetics, no in-game method for earning microtransaction currency (something even Overwatch 2 has, though you earn a measly 60 credits per week while legendary skins cost 1900 credits), and content releases that are still much too slow.

I'm fairly sure that 10 year plan died the moment Halo Infinite launched, Lol. Also it's worth mentioning that the person who came up with the "10 year plan" and the only one who mentioned it publicly (IIRC) was Chris Lee (Studio Head) and he was let go in 2020. Though 343 should come out and clarify that there isn't a 10 year plan. Since the claims of the 10 year plan, 343's management has massively changed, Chris Lee is gone, Bonnie Ross is gone, etc. Don't have a clue what their plans for future Campaigns are though.

But like I said, huge changes in management very recently, we'll have to see what their plans are, I think it's clear that Halo Infinite (including Campaign) have hugely underperformed though so financially it makes sense for them to (for now) double down on Multiplayer and try to get the studio in a stable place again before deciding how to tackle the next Campaign.

Pierre has only been Head of 343i for 4 months and in that time Multiplayer has improved a lot. Forge has released which is amazing, Custom Games Browser was brought forward a few months which was smart, we got Remakes releasing in-between seasons now, Season 3 is 2 months earlier than usual Seasons and after that each Season is on a 3 month schedule...

Things have improved a lot since he took over but there's obviously still work to do. Just shows how much of a mess that these people are inheriting, but I trust the dude who saved TMCC because that was 10x worse than Infinite's content issues. Focusing on MP for now is probably the smartest business decision, unfortunately for us Campaign lovers.

At some point, Microsoft looks at this mess and says "why the hell did you spend hundreds of millions and all we got is an underperforming Campaign and underperforming Multiplayer? You better fix this shit and make us money" so for now the focus is likely Multiplayer + Battle Royale (in the hope that Battle Royale takes off) which if it does, I think the MP will get a shortened life and they'll move onto the next thing.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 January 2023