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Small update from MLex about the CMA and EC:

- The Statement of Objections from the EC is coming next week, spelling out the concerns that they have following the investigation.

- Microsoft will have a chance to rebut them, both in writing and at a hearing.

- Issuing the SO will give MS the chance to access its file, including non-confidential versions of submissions by third parties. This will show exactly how much opposition there is to the deal beyond Sony.

- If there is a SO it’s rare to get an unconditional approval (not unheard-of, but it’s true), but MS hopes that its months of dialogue with EU regulators will have helped to narrow down the concerns, allowing it to target remedies to address them.

- Where the CMA stands now is unclear. They say that “Even Microsoft appears to be in the dark”. In Microsoft's favor is that most of the public responses the inquiry group received in the merger review supported the deal.

In any case, answers to all those questions are coming in the next 2-4 weeks.

Brace for impact! :D

Source: Idas