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Machiavellian said:
shikamaru317 said:

Hopefully as soon as Avowed is shipped they immediately start on a new Fallout on Bethesda's new Creation Engine 2.0, it's our best chance of seeing a new singleplayer Fallout game at some point in the 2020's. Bethesda themselves likely won't be able to deliver Fallout 6 until 2030-2031, and even that timeframe assumes that Elder Scrolls 6 releases in 2025 or 2026 (which is far from certain, depends on how much work the smaller team on TES 6 has gotten done since they began developing it in 2018). Our only other chance of seeing a singleplayer Fallout this decade would be a remake of Fallout 3 or New Vegas, as those would be faster than an all new game and could be handled by any old 2nd party partner basically. 

I believe you need to abandon this wish.  I think Obsidian is not interested in creating another game from someone else IP, they are looking to create their own IP that is AAA level.

Feargus literally says he wants to make another Fallout though, it isn't the first time he has said it in an interview either. Sawyer also said he was interested but nothing is happening right now. These are Obsidian's Studio Head and Obsidian's Studio Design Director so if they wanted to make it and Bethesda gave them permission, it will be made.

Also Bethesda purchased it from Interplay, Fallout was created by Interplay and Feargus was on that team, it was led by Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, both are at Obsidian, then Fallout 2 was made by Black Isle, a studio created by Feargus. My point being that some on Obsidian have just as much history with Fallout as Bethesda does.

There is a point in saying that studios probably don't want to work on IP that they don't own but I think this case is different, Fallout has a lot of history with Obsidian employees, some of them literally involved in creating the IP. So it isn't like, Halo being dumped on them, it's an IP which some of them helped create and they likely still care about.

The more important question is if Bethesda will allow it.