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Thursday news, part two:

China's relaxing its tech crackdown, but it's still keeping a close eye on Tencent
China might finally be relaxing its tech crackdown, but the government isn't stepping away from the sector entirely. Rather than the strict approach that saw Alibaba fined billions, tech CEO Jack Ma temporarily disappear from the public eye, and game approvals slow to a trickle, the Financial Times reports that the government is switching tack, and moving to take "special management shares"—or "golden shares"—in many of China's leading tech companies, including Tencent.

Coffee Talk Episode 2 has immaculate vibes, coffee, talk, and releases 4/20 if you know what I mean
The sequel to Coffee Talk, the chill cafe sim that taught me I have absolutely no business being a barista, has a release date. Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus and Butterfly will hit PC on April 20, 2023. I don't think the 4/20 release date contains any deliberate symbolism on the developers' part, by the way, but I choose to believe the sequel will have us running an Amsterdam-style coffee shop until proven otherwise.

Warzone 2 is getting its most-requested feature in Season 2, but we'll have to wait a bit longer
The release of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 in November was, for the most part, a clean break from the original game. It had largely the same features, a great new map, DMZ mode, and lots of neat quality-of-life updates. The one thing that Warzone 2 did not have, to the dismay of a huge chunk of its community, was a small map. Activision plans to remedy this in Season 2 with the return of Resurgence mode and a new small map to accompany it, but it's taking some extra time to deliver.

One year after announcing Activision Blizzard acquisition, Microsoft is laying off 10,000 employees
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced today that the company will lay off 10,000 employees as part of an effort to "align our cost structure with our revenue and where we see customer demand."
>> Rumors say that the gaming division and some gaming studios will be affected.

Bungie is completely revamping Destiny 2 buildcrafting and removing the most hated modifier in the game
When Bungie unlocked almost every Destiny 2 armor mod for players last week, there was an accompanying message that raised a lot of eyebrows: "We want to give everyone a chance to enjoy all mods in their current state".
I think most of us expected some sort of rebalancing to come on the February 28 Lightfall expansion release date, but that seemed to hint at something bigger. Today the studio pulled back the curtain on how buildcrafting is changing, and it looks like one of the biggest systemic reworks ever to happen to the game. Almost everything related to buildcrafting—from armor mods, to how champions are stunned, to the much-hated Match Game modifier—is either being substantially changed or in some cases straight-up deleted.

PowerWash Simulator is getting a Tomb Raider expansion for reasons I don't fully understand
In a crossover that I'm pretty sure no one saw coming, PowerWash Simulator is getting a Tomb Raider-themed expansion at the end of this month. Releasing on January 31, PowerWash Sim's free Tomb Raider DLC will see you blasting away the gunk and grime that's somehow accumulated on every square inch of Croft Manor. Judging by the trailer, it doesn't look like you get to dual wield pressure washers at any stage, which seems like a missed opportunity.

Bonus article, because while it's not really gaming related, it's too good to not share it here:

Marines use Metal Gear cardboard box trick to fool AI robot
Hideo Kojima has a pretty great record when it comes to predictions. In Metal Gear Solid 2, he foresaw the downsides of the information economy; In Death Stranding, he tapped into contemporary social isolation just before the pandemic hit and changed everything. But I never thought I'd see the day when soldiers outsmart a military AI by creeping around under a cardboard box.
>> Damned marines! They should keep those tricks secret until the AI uprising happens. They're dooming us all! XD

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.