Even if those two GPU's from Nvidia are going to be the 4070/4060Ti, it still means both are going to be received less warmly, primarily because we've seen what the 4070Ti is priced at, and the fact it is just lesser and rather a meh-worthy card.
I'm fully expecting those other two cards to do less and rely more heavily on DLSS 3 to pump up their stats, which means the cards are getting worse and now have to rely more on a band-aid to look semi decent, and both will still likely cost 500+
Also what's with NVME's getting chunkier over time?, between the GPU's and NVME's, it feels like we're regressing in the compact dept of tech (I've seen this with phones over the past decade getting bigger, wider and chunkier in general).
Epic likely removed their games because they are either going to slightly "remaster" them and sell them exclusively on their store, or hand them to third parties to then re-release on Steam, complete with Trojan horse EoS, because everyone totally wants crossplay between Steam/EGS, at the cost of losing the ability to play said games in Steam's offline mode/having to make EGS accounts..
Seriously, I wish Tim would fuck off this planet, he's been doing nothing but shit on the PC platform since he sold gears and copied what Tencent told them to copy.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"