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#15: Super Mario Galaxy 2

I fully expected to like Super Mario Galaxy 2 less than its predecessor. After all, Super Mario Galaxy was a high bar to clear but the wizards at Nintendo actually managed to outdo themselves with this sequel.

Yoshi who wasn't present in the former title is used in great inventive ways and not merely a ride for Mario, you can whip yourself attaching his tongue to flowers (don't ask), hot peppers make him dash around uncontrollably at high speed, Bulb Yoshi allows you to see hidden platforms, Blimp Yoshi lets you fly up slowly. But that's not all folks, Mario has new tricks too like Cloud Mario who can create his own platforms and Rock Mario who can roll around and smash things.

Another big advantage SMG2 has over SMG is once you've gathered all 120 stars, you unlock a whole new set of stars that you have to search for in the galaxies you've cleared which is much more interesting than simply redoing the stages with Luigi.

Final word here, Nintendo sucks for not including this game in the Switch Collection, thankfully I still have my Wii U which can play my original copy of the game.

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