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Dante9 said:

Let's be honest here. If the situation was reversed and Sony was the one trying to make this acquisition happen, most of the people here now defending the deal would be arguing against it.
It's just a matter of who do you like.

I think the main reason for that would be Sonys stance when it comes to supporting other consoles and PC. Most likely if Sony was the ones making this deal PC players would have to wait at least a year for releases and xbox could kiss their ass.

However if Sony gave the same deal they gave bungie that all their games would come to PC and xbox day and date with all the same features and nothing cut i dont think many pc players or Xbox players would have a problem with it. But we all know that would never happen.

However you would see many of the same Sony fans who are against this deal praising it and calling it good for the industry even if Sony did block all that content from PC and Xbox and Nintendo.

Its just like i said in another earlier some Sony fans are making a bigger deal of this and saying it doesnt compare to what Sony does with money hats for the simple reason being the price MS are paying. Yet to me Sony money hatting 4-6 AAA exclusives every single year does more damage then Ms buying a company who atm pretty much only release 3-4 games and only one of them release yearly. and when Ms have said they will keep that yearly released game on other platforms.

Last edited by zero129 - on 30 December 2022