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Guessed by @Machina

The best transition from 2D to 3D in any game franchise. Metroid Prime honestly had no right being good, given how its developers had basically no proven track record, and how they had a super tight deadline, and how it put Metroid in first-person, which no one could've expected and certainly no one thought was a good thing. It's frankly inexplicable how good this game is. It's ridiculous. It's an absolute masterpiece. Seasoned developers would've struggled to make a 3D Metroid game this good if given several years of to develop it. Hell, its graphics still look great and it's freaking 20 years old (holy shit I'm ancient). I have no idea how this came to be, but I'm grateful that it did, and Retro Studios later proved it was no accident by making two fantastic sequels (hopefully the next one continues to impress).

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