Looks like the ship with the PS5 supply finally arrived to Spain! Let's see if Sony had another one for next week or if it's a mirage (let's hope it's the former).
Very good sales for the Switch as well, and this time it's the Xbox the one with awful sales. C'mon, Xbox, you can do better!
It's a shame that the worst Fifa games (especially one) are doing so well, but the rest of the games deserve good sales. It's a bit surprising that the God of War in the charts is the PS4 one with PS5 selling so many units, after all The Last of Us does very well. Maybe there were lots of PS5+GoW bundles?
Anyway, thanks for the numbers, polofresco and... ¡Felices Fiestas!
Last edited by JEMC - on 22 December 2022Please excuse my bad English.
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