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super_etecoon said:
JackHandy said:

Understable. During the Atari-PS2 era, gaming saw a quantum leap in everything. From genres, to IPs that are still dominant today, to the consoles themselves and their controllers--it was a unbelievably exciting. And these things happened about every four years! haha

After PS3, the great slow-down occurred. Now, it's almost at a stand still. 

Of course, if you hadn't witnessed the aforementioned Atari-PS2 era, you probably wouldn't notice. 

That’s an interesting take. I haven’t really experienced that slow down since I moved back to the Nintendo with the Wii. Because Nintendo was behind graphically, every generation since then has felt like a leap, and I’m sure next Nintendo gen will as well. 

I honestly think because I started playing games on the Atari that I have a pretty high tolerance for bad or aged graphics. Graphical improvements almost seem baked into the software with each generation. Of course, if you’ve been playing HD consoles since the 360/PS3 I can understand how it feels like a bit of a brick wall it like moving through mud waiting for the next wow moment. 

Have you tried VR? My time with PSVR felt as fresh as the 90s, can't wait for PSVR2 to drop next year.

But indeed, the slow down in AAA game innovation is pretty bad. I hoped we could have actual conversations with NPCs by now, ask a question instead of choose from a few options. Like Starship Titanic did with text in 1998. As well as procedural evolving / changing worlds as you play. Dynamic quests that adjust to your play style. AI director that keeps the game interesting and adjusts the encounters to your play style like Left 4 Dead did.

Instead we're just getting shinier graphics, more detail / clutter and higher resolutions. Basic game design hasn't changed in over a decade, just more of everything. At least accessibility options are being added, a welcome addition now I'm getting older.

Nintendo kinda dropped the ball for me with the Switch. The WiiU still had some interesting new things, clever use of the pad plus tv. The Switch is limited to everything having to work both in handheld mode and tv mode. Can't rely on touch screen, can't act as a secondary screen. Motion controls are all over the place.

I blame the market growth slowing down for the lack of innovation in main stream gaming. AAA games cost so much nowadays you can't take risks. Proven formula or make an indie game. Of course indie games don't have the resources to develop entirely new systems. So we're kinda stuck. Hopefully VR still allows innovation as the graphics for VR don't need to be as detailed. PSVR2 while higher res still only equates to the detail of 640p gaming on TV. I'm llooking forward to what devs can come up with now its not limited to Move or DS4 anymore.