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gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Didn't know you knew coding 🤔

Talon said it's a great suggestion, we just don't really have the time right now to sort through every button on the website, it's a good clean-up project but our priority is focused elsewhere right now, especially since we have like two active coders, Lol. And we're still dealing with shit related to the hacker.

Sounds like y'all could have a 3rd

If it were up to me I'd hire whoever we can get!

I've complained a lot that we need more coders, Lol. But I know nothing about coding, I think the main issues are that we need people we can trust, especially Ioi's trust, who know what they're doing and who are willing to work for free, and from what I've heard, VGChartz's backend is a bit complicated, Lol.

Might be worth shooting Machina a PM if anyone is ever interested in helping out.