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I did say Microsoft should offer this and call Sony's bluff, as I don't think there's a chance in hell that Sony would pay for it close to day one as it would be for Game Pass, if regulators don't trust Microsoft then get a 3rd party to set the price or something, I think we can all agree that a fair price is somewhere in the region of hundreds of millions for day one.

But at the same time, it's so ridiculous that Sony has to be offered all of this stuff despite being the significant market leader, Lol. 10 Years of native ports, an option for PS Plus inclusion, content parity, etc. All to protect the bottom line of the market leader. This should pass EC easily now, they like behavioural remedies, the issue still remains that CMA does not like behavioural remedies.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 December 2022