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Potential for a new mobile app store to compete with Apple and Google to enhance competition and break down their “effective duopoly”

One final area worth highlighting is Microsoft’s development of a mobile gaming app store that is enshrined by its novel ‘Open App Store Principles’. The CMA’s recent study into mobile ecosystems suggested a ‘duopoly’ that Apple and Google hold, describing the various harms to consumers as a result of weak competition in the sector which acts as “a break on innovation”.13 Microsoft is focusing on building out its mobile gaming capability through this transaction and using it as a catalyst for innovation related to the development of its mobile game store. Such innovation is exactly what the CMA has identified as lacking in the mobile ecosystem. It is likely that this transaction could bring vital competition to Apple and Google in this market, help ensure consumers are prioritised and protected through enhanced governing principles and stimulate further innovation in the market to bring wider choice for consumers. This is inherently positive for consumers and for the industry.


Lool. It'd be funny if this is Epic considering Sony's stake in them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 December 2022