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gtotheunit91 said:
Imaginedvl said:

If the deal goes through, it will, they said that all games from Blizz/Act will be in GP.

Also, the leak we saw few days ago with the June 6th date was on Windows Store. Which points to them working toward that.

For the most part that's true, but not a guarantee. There still are games on the Windows Store that are not part of Game Pass. Like CoD: Infinite Warefare is on there for example.

MS still pushes games that are included on Game Pass but you can still dig through to find games that aren't on the service.

For first parties? I think they are trying to put them all on GP. But Microsoft stated themselves that this is their end goal for first parties; so if some are not; I would expect any new games to be.

One sure thing tho, is that it will not be day one (I forgot to mention that in my first response); it will take time (even if the deal closes before Diablo 4 is out).