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haxxiy said:

In that Callisto benchmark, Vega and the RX 580 are positioned relative to Turing exactly as their averages were four years ago, if not slightly better. It's the 1080 Ti that's missing some performance, but not much.

I'd argue that's slightly subpar driver support for Pascal instead of a lack of features hampering it.

Considering that the last few drivers from nvidia have fucked over games I play, like Supreme Commander, Warcraft and Cyberpunk, yeah, it feels like they are hampering me rather than the lacking features.

Though tbh, I think that's what they want, because it is far easier today to turn around and go "oh your 1080ti is just super ancient weak tech, upgrade to our 3000/3000 series".

Planned obsolescence and fucking over prev products via updates isn't a new concept, but I def know Nvidia wouldn't shy away from trying to enforce ppl to upgrade via various means, like shoddy driver updates on older models, in order to make the newer ones more appealing. 

I do know that blizz needs to sort out current WoW perf, but Nvidia released a "game rdy driver" specifically for the DF launch, and well, that did sweet fuck all in terms of the benchmarks I saw (also WoW RTX is a complete and utter joke, since it only works on shadows, and not every shadow in WoW is real time RT'd)

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"