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Okay so we caught up, and even #23 has already been guessed, but here's second hints for the others, and #22 added.

25 - Halfway through the list some of you are probably thinking "how has there still not been a game from this series, this series of all series in S.Peelman's list?" Well, here is one.
Hint 2: I have mentioned this plenty of times on this site before, but this is the one that amazed my young self because of a certain weather effect at the start. Guessed by Veknoid_Outcast - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

24 - The box-art of this game depicts a sequence that's used as the exciting intro for this game, which happens to actually be a flashback from the story halfway through the game.
Hint 2: It's quite the chilly sequence. Guessed by Veknoid_Outcast - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

23 - The great soundtrack that sounds a little like wedding dance music and the 'secret' (but not really secret) storybook backstory make this game stand above its equally acclaimed sequel for me. Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown - Super Mario Galaxy

22 - It is staring right at you. Guessed by Veknoid_Outcast - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 07 December 2022