It is quite peculiar how last night, Russian channels began pushing a psyop about an ultimatum to Ukrainians at Bakhmut. They always do these when things aren't going well. GREY ZONE laughed this claim off earlier today.
— Dmitri (@wartranslated) November 27, 2022
Many suggesting how Ukraine should "keep up the momentum" against the Russians in the NE (Donbas) while continuing to Melitopol (further east from Kherson Oblast).
— MarkHertling (@MarkHertling) November 27, 2022
While certainly desirable, both those efforts will be tough.
Here's why. A brief ? 1/18
I was bored. Made this.
— Ragnar Gudmundsson ???? (@ragnarbjartur) November 27, 2022
I'll be updating this from time to time.
Link to my other stuff:
In anticipation of Christmas, a smiling Himars collects occupiers under Christmas trees.
— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU) November 27, 2022
Chinese commentators claimed that military equipment, bulletproof vests, helmets, and military clothing could be inside the planes, according to Defense Express.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) November 27, 2022