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Machiavellian said:
zero129 said:

1. Some will always hold grudges but that in no way gives them rights to blame a whole race of people for their problems years after the fact. Even more so when the main people you see doing this "Are Rich" people who are pretty much just jumping on to a bandwagon.

2. Yes i have been pulled over by the garda/police and treated different/worse than a settled person since im from a traveler/gypsy backgound and some of them think of us as free scanting hicks who are out to rob everyone and just likes to live on social welfare.

I dont blame a bunch of cops for that or every settled person i just blame "Them" cops who done itas they dont equal everyone.

3. Thats the problem and the point im trying to make. The longer people keep painting everyone the same the more harder it is to make the problem go away.

Its not about giving anyone a right to do anything, because you cannot give that right or take it away.  A person that holds a grudge for whatever reason will do so because as humans that is what we do.  Whether it's blaming a whole race, or gender or sexual orientation, this is what humans do because we see this example every day.  

So how does that make you feel.  Its one thing to have it done once and a blue moon, its another to deal with it on a daily basics.  The thing is, how do people deal with such situations because everyone is not going to react the same way.  My point is that you seem to only view a situation on how you will react but that's not how it really works because everyone is different and come from different backgrounds and environments.  Everyone usually believes how they react to a situation is the correct response, that is why you can have so many different responses to just about every scenario.

I understand the point you are trying to make but your fix to that problem isn't going to happen anytime soon because the problem you present is nothing new.  Its not like we all woke up today and started to believe that if only we stop being prejudice, discriminatory, angry, fearful etc all the problems would just go away.  What I am saying is that it really does not matter if it's some Celeb or the person down the street.  They are all just human, it being a Celeb means nothing as if that status makes that person any better than the person you meet by chance.  Social media just helps to bring out opinions you would never know someone holds within themselves because now their opinion can reach millions in seconds.  That is why I say go to Gab and you will see such hate on the regular.  The problem is as old as time itself and the solution to that also is as old.  The complexity is how do you implement the solution because for as many people who believe "Stop painting everyone with broad Strokes", there are just as many who are happy to do exactly that.

So my main point is that it seems you are focused that a Celeb has said some hateful stuff but I am saying there are millions saying hateful stuff everyday.  Just because its some Celeb is of little consequence in the light of how many unknown people who view and say such things on a daily basis.  The only difference between a Celeb and your regular Joe is public fallout.

I feel like we have and are still agreeing on the first point. People will always hold grudges but imo that doesnt make them right. The IRA wouldnt be right to go around slandering or bombing english innocent people today over things that happened years ago just like they wasnt right to do that in the first place.

I never said it was only once. Its clear your not from Ireland or England as if you where you would know that over here travelers/Gypsys are every bit if not more prosecuted then any black person or other colour person. Its a Sigma that we are a bunch of free loaders who only want to live off social welfare look for trouble and rob people. That mind frame is embedded into people over here but i dont blame all the people for the racist shit i had to put up with as i still know not everyone thinks like that and i wouldnt blame a whole group for the short comings of a few who dont want to understand any better then they where told.

And its not just one celeb its lots of celebs that have massive platforms that could easy be preaching proper messages of unity and holding the companys who still pay shitty to colourd people etc for account but instead like to say stuff like how "All whites are the devil" "White people are animals" etc etc. As if they in their high privlege levels are the ones who had to deal with it?. I know for a fact if it was a white celeb saying that about any other group than themselfs they would be canceled from every tv show and platform we have. But as long as they only be racist towards white people it seems to be ok.