"According to ISW's @KatStepanenko, 'The Russians are resuming and intensifying their offensive operations southwest of Donetsk oblast [province].' She added that they were using hardened paratroopers freed up by the withdrawal from around the southern city of Kherson."
— ISW (@TheStudyofWar) November 25, 2022
1/ In what may be a bizarre case of mistaken identity, the Russian FSB has killed a group of Russian people it claims are pro-Ukrainian saboteurs – but who reportedly appear to be Airsoft enthusiasts who were engaged in live-action roleplay of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video games. ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/LOfYpWOs8x
— ChrisO_wiki@mastodon.social (@ChrisO_wiki) November 25, 2022
Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu @UrmasReinsalu
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) November 25, 2022
responded to Prigozhin's sledgehammer sent to European Parliament: he's sending handcuffs to the Hague International Criminal Court to wait for Prigozhin and his accomplices.
Thank you! pic.twitter.com/nOqtlAdgG3
New (and very important) transformers for Ukraine from the Finnish Red Cross. pic.twitter.com/ysyTLgO4dN
— NOËL ?? ?? (@NOELreports) November 25, 2022
Belarus foreign minister Makey died suddenly, a day after meeting a Vatican envoy. He used to be touted as a possible liberal successor to Lukashenko. I spent an hour with him in 2019. He told me that Belarus seeks “equidistance” from Russia and the West. How things have changed.
— Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) November 26, 2022