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In June, Microsoft hammered out an agreement with the C.W.A., promising not to oppose unionization at Activision. The negotiations involved "more lawyers than a lawyer convention," Chris Shelton, the union's president, said in an interview. The concessions turned the union into supporters of the deal.

Last month, Mr. Shelton met with Ms. Khan and praised Microsoft's commitment to remain neutral in union campaigns and said the deal should be approved.

"The FTC told me, 'A lot of companies promise lots of things, then they never keep their promises,'" he recalled. He said he told the agency that the agreement was rock solid, and in writing.

A spokesman for the F.T.C. said agency officials had offered no opinions on the deal or the labor agreement in the meeting.

Can Big Tech Get Bigger? Microsoft Presses Governments to Say Yes. - The New York Times

  • FTC: "Companies promise lots of things, they never keep their promises"
  • CMA: "We have the promise in writing"
  • FTC: "We have no opinion on the agreement"


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 November 2022