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Guessed by @Mnementh

The least mZuzek game that insists on appearing on mZuzek's list.

That's really the best way to describe it. This is essentially a visual novel told in a sidescroller format, with a slice-of-life story featuring characters whose only difference from ordinary people living ordinary lives is the way they look. It's like an all-in-one of all the things I never cared much for, and yet here it is. It's mainly down to the writing, which instantly immersed me into the game because of how realistic it felt, and how relatable it made all the characters pretty much immediately. Anyone who's played it knows how good the writing is, really. And the soundtrack was also fantastic, even without getting into the cool songs you get to play on the bass. For as much as Night in the Woods is not my kind of thing, and I almost feel like this inner rejection, that I need to get rid of it somehow, it always finds a way to stick around. Which is probably a sign of it being very good.

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