shikamaru317 said: So, finally got the special screwdriver I needed to take my Series X controller apart. Turns out it wasn't a spring that had popped loose, but rather the long piece of plastic that attaches to the underside of the plastic Right bumper and pushes the inner actuator was snapped and had fallen off to the side, preventing the inner actuator from being pressed no matter how much I pushed the right bumper. I tried to super glue the broken plastic piece, but it broke off immediately again when I reattached the bumper assembly to the console after a night of drying, so then I got the idea to wedge some lens wipe cloth in above the broken piece and beside the broken piece to keep it from falling over. Put the controller back together and the right bumper works fine now, but now the controller won't detect batteries and only works when wired, smh. |
You win some, you lose them lol. At least you're actually able to play!
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind