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Guessed by @Mnementh

No Man's Sky has had a bit of a rollercoaster ride in my lists over the years. In in 2016, out for the three following years, back in in 2020, out as an honorable mention last year, and now it's here again to kick off the list. I think the struggle I have with it is that, for all the good times I had playing it, and all the things I built in it, even after all these updates and additional content, I still don't consider the game actually good. It's never stopped being a grind, really, if anything some of the new stuff just made the grind even worse. Back in 2016, I found No Man's Sky boring, but my kind of boring, if that makes any sense - and I still think the same of it after all these years, only it's become less of a guilty pleasure because of all the improvements that have salvaged its reputation. I'm always inclined to move it outside the list because of how little fun it actually is, but this game's been a significant part of my life and it deserves to be here. Well, this time at least.

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